List of phobias fear factors
First of all, fear of phobia is called as phobophobia! Various fear factors are listed here-
Fear of Animals - zoophobia
Air travel - aerophobia
Marriage - gamophobia
Bathing - ablutophobia
Flood - antlophobia
Atomic explosions - atomosophobia
Failure - atychiphobia
Stars - astrophobia
Old age - gerascophobia
Bees - apiphobia
Blood - hematophobia
Vehicle - motorphobia
Children - pediophobia
Train - siderodromophobia
Travel - hodophobia
Society - anthropophobia
People's crowd - demophobia
Dog - cynophobia
Surgery - ergasiophobia
Fear towards number '13' - triskaidecaphobia
Poisoning - toxicophobia
Water - hydrophobia
Speed - tachophobia
Fire - pyrophobia
Rain - ombrophobia
Sunlight - heliophobia
Thunder / lightning - astraphobia
Wealth - plutophobia
Job - ergasiophobia
Stage fear - scopophobia
Large buidling - batophobia
Books - bibliophobia
Snake - ophiophobia
Snow / fog - chionophobia
Sex - coitophobia
Sea - thalassophobia
Talk / speech - Lalophobia
Celestial space - astrophobia
Spiders - arachnophobia
Girls / women - gynophobia
Ghost - phasmophobia
Demons - demonophobia
Sound - phonophobia
Germs - microphobia
Wind - anemophobia
Darkness / night - nyctophobia
Foreigners - xenophobia
Radiophobia - radiation, X-ray
Heredity - patroiophobia
Forest - hylophobia
Time - chronophobia
Colours - chromophobia
Waves - kymophobia
Computers - logizomechanophobia
Machines - mechanophobia
Pollution - mysophobia
Bridge - gephyrophobia
Birds - ornithophobia
Pregnancy - maieusiophobia
Cold - cryophobia
Injection - trypanophobia
Hospital - nosocomephobia
Reptiles - herpetophobia
Open area - agoraphobia
Rats - musophobia
Heights - acrophobia
Electricity - electrophobia
Death - thanatophobia
Depth - bathophobia
Desert - xerophobia
Money - chrometophobia
Loneliness - monophobia
Madness - maniaphobia
Men - androphobia
Alcohol drinking - dipsophobia
Medicine - pharmacophobia
Narrow place - claustrophobia
Sleep - hypnophobia
Heat - thermophobia